KreatureKind is an approachable and wholesome Card Battler/Deck Builder, where you debate monsters to save magic.

Debate monsters, recruit friends, and start a movement! In this wholesome and approachable card battler/deck builder, you use the debate skills in your card decks to convince opponents to join your cause. Balance your team and your decks carefully – or you won’t be able to save magic!

In KreatureKind, the world’s Mana Well is running dry, which means that magic is on the verge of disappearing forever. A group of activists set out to try and save magic, by recruiting people and monsters to their cause.

KreatureKind relies on approachable card battle encounters, between which you build and upgrade your decks. There is also a story-focused campaign, through which you get to know the main characters, and try to save magic.

Coming to PC, Xbox, PlaStation and Nintendo Switch.